Friday 19 January 2018

Relation With Jesus Christ

                                         A Delightful Relation with the Lord

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Have you ever wondered about the beautiful and close relationship Jesus has with His people? The example of the vine tree is amazingly heartwarming and peaceful. Have you ever noticed the vine tree and its branches, how they are connected and produce fruit? The branches draw strength from the tree, and when they bear fruit, others are served by the sweetness of the fruit. Christ has done His best to reveal His unconditional love for His people. In the example of the vine tree and branches, Christ was telling us that we are nothing without Him.

We are all familiar with this scripture, but I believe there are more points mentioned in these scriptures. If you desire to know what true love is, just look at Jesus. We need to be attached to Him because once we are in Him, we can overcome any hurdle. During life's ups and downs, we may feel that God has left us. But my beloved, I want to reassure you that even in your hardest times, He never leaves us in the midst. He revealed in His word that He knew us before the existence of this world. While meditating on this scripture, we see that the branch grows out of the tree, so the tree is the source of the branch's formation. If you understand what I am trying to convey through these scriptures, meditate on His word and start proclaiming it loudly now. During times of trouble, I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Indeed, it is true that nothing can harm you as long as your shelter is in this tree. Beloved, notice that the tree takes care of its branches. It gives them life and attends to their every need. As long as the branches remain in the tree, they are good-looking, and when they bear fruit, it is a feast for our eyes and a delightful taste.

Christ is VineTree

According to the words of the King of kings, "This beautiful tree is planted by our Heavenly Father." Nothing brings Him more joy than seeing you united with the tree and bearing fruit. There are times in the Christian life when we go through wilderness seasons, but we mustn't sever our relationship with Christ. The Holy Spirit reminds you that you have built your house on a strong hill (Christ). Floods may be hitting different parts of your life, but you declare, "I will overcome no matter what happens!" This strength is provided to you by the tree through His Spirit. Yes, I am addressing you out there who have not given up on your connection with Christ. Do you know how much your heavenly Father is pleased with you? He is going to prune these difficulties from your life so that you can produce more fruit. God loves it when you do that. Your Heavenly Father smiles upon you when you do. Even Jesus said, "Whoever accepts me" accepts my Father. I am overwhelmed by His presence as I share about this tree. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude. I pour out this scripture into your life in the name of Jesus. :)

Christ is VineTree

After our pruning is finished, it is time for us to bear more fruit. We are called to love one another, and our strength is being renewed, just like the eagle. Can you hear His sweet voice? He is calmly saying in your heart and spirit, "Whatever the vine tree does for its branches, I will do the same for you!"

God is my strenght
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"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

Jesus is the way. No other name is given under heaven that can grant us salvation.

God bless you all.

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